Hemorrhoid Cures: A Case Study

A friend of mine who suffered from hemorrhoids for 9 months recently cured herself. I decided it might be useful for some people to read about another persons personal struggle and to hear what worked well for them, so thats what Ive done in this article. Ive prepared a case study detailing how her story unfolded.

Background information:

Emma, who lives in Sydney, Australia, is a 35 year old with 2 young children. She goes to a gym, lives a healthy lifestyle and until a year and a half back, had never had any problems with hemorrhoids at all. Emma was 7 months pregnant when she first realized she had hemorrhoids. 

For one month Emma suffered no more than minor irritation and tickling sensations during bowel movement. She maintained her normal lifestyle without any issues. After having hemorrhoids for about 4 weeks Emma started to experience significant pain during bowel movement. She was noticing more blood on her stools, on the toilet paper, and in the toilet bowl. Emma was now 8 months pregnant.

Emma decided that as hemorrhoids were a fairly normal illness during pregnancy (about 3-4 in every 10 pregnant women get hemorrhoids), she would wait for them to go away by themselves. She assumed they would eventually heal without her needing to do anything.

Two months after initially realizing she had hemorrhoids, Emma gave birth to a baby boy. 

Again, Emma did nothing as she assumed that after pregnancy her body would return to normal gradually. This didnt happen and 2 months later she was suffering more pain than she ever thought was possible due to hemorrhoids. Basic daily tasks such as driving the car, walking and sleeping were all being affected. 

A friend of Emmas suggested she try a cream to treat the hemorrhoids. After doing some further research, Emma purchased one of the better known brands of hemorrhoid cream and started using it immediately. 

Much to Emmas relief, she did start getting better " at least the pain was reducing. Four weeks after starting to use the cream, Emmas condition had improved to the level it was at before she gave birth. She could live a pretty normal life again. 

For the next month Emma kept using the cream. She decided to stop with the cream once things were almost 100% normal, this was after having suffered from hemorrhoids for almost 6 months. 

For the next few weeks Emmas life returned to normal. She was extremely happy that she had beaten hemorrhoids " at least she thought she had beaten hemorrhoids. Then the inevitable happened...

They returned. This time they quickly worsened and before she knew it she was suffering debilitating pain again. The reason the cream didnt work was because it only offered a temporary relief, if was treating the symptoms of hemorrhoids, not actually strengthening and healing the weaknesses that caused her to get hemorrhoids in the first place. 

This is when Emma approached me. I explained to her what had happened and informed her of a few of the finer details of hemorrhoids. I immediately suggested Emma use a natural hemorrhoid cure that would work to cure the root cause of hemorrhoids and not just the symptoms. I recommended she try with Venapro (a homeopathic cure) or H Miracle. I told her both would work much faster than the cream she had been using and that she would cure her hemorrhoids for good.

After some thinking, Emma chose to go with H Miracle (mainly because H Miracle had a fantastic support system). Within just 10 days of starting her treatment plan, Emmas hemorrhoids had virtually disappeared entirely. I still remember the moment when Emma called me crying because she was so happy she had finally cured hemorrhoids (for the second time) after suffering for almost 9 months. 

Six months have passed since Emma cured her hemorrhoids with H Miracle. She has had no signs of a reoccurrence.

I am a big fan of natural hemorrhoid cures because I have seen how effective they are time and time again. H Miracle and Venapro have a very high success rate and are backed up by a money back guarantee. As soon as you realize you have hemorrhoids you should use one of these products. Dont wait until you are suffering extreme pain like Emma did.

End your hemorrhoid struggle today. Read comprehensive reviews of H Miracle and Venapro for more information.